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Thinking of hiring a Managed Service Provider (MSP), but not sure how to go about it? Here are a few things to do before you zero in on one.
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It’s been 6 weeks since the last global affecting ransomware attack has occurred. The last attack brought to you by WannaCry affected millions of computers and servers throughout the globe. That attack affected an ancient exploit going all the way back to Windows XP and was stolen from the national security agency. Hackers use that exploit and penetrated systems worldwide generating...

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On Dealing With Ransomware A couple of weeks ago, a worldwide exploit stolen utilities from the National Security Agency were utilized to take down literally hundreds of thousands of computers, from hospitals, government, and large corporations. For days people were freaking out and having a tremendous time securing their networks. Traditional methodologies failed. Traditional thought processes failed. In the days and weeks since...

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In the last decade, we have seen something that is somewhat upsetting. Vendor network evaluations are not worth anything. Yup, we said it. From ISPs, printer providers, virtual server providers, email providers and others; all have failed to live up to their engineering personnel's recommendations. It's only after the disaster begins do we see what narrow scope they have been placed in with a...

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Why We Fight CryptoLocker: Our Strategy Explained As the owner of Triton Technologies, I go through constant training when it comes to MSP services, products and support methodologies. I was at a conference in Hartford Connecticut and listening to other business owners and I heard something that isn’t heard in our office: “Cryptolocker is kicking our butts.”We Take Security SeriouslyI can barely...

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Triton Technologies years ago was created to help the business user and the business owner: over the years we have acquired products, companies and so forth in order to grow. One of them is the skill and ability for dealing with VoIP issues.Years ago, we acquired a failing telephone provider out of New York state and transferred all the licensing...

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HIPAA Keyboard

HIPAA Mastery for Small Healthcare Firms In the last couple months due to governmental pressures for state and local charities and nonprofits, small medical businesses have been asked to fully comply with HIPAA compliance even if a single machine might one day encounter that information. We are currently working with many translation services, small doctor offices, dentists, and branch offices of hospitals...

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Any business owner can attest to is dealing with multiple vendors is a business in of itself. From cellular carriers, internet providers, construction companies, telephone and more, each one has their own language and each one has their own methodology. This situation happened, and this is why right after our client signed up for our Managed IT Services plan which included...

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Why should a business chose a managed IT provider over a traditional break-fix? Simple: MoneyWith a managed IT provider you get more than a body that fixes stuff when things break: they make sure they don't break. As anyone who's owned a car, you perform maintenance, change the oil, rotate the tires and more because it costs more when the vehicle...

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