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Dealing with CryptoLocker: Why We Do What We Do

Why We Fight CryptoLocker: Our Strategy Explained


As the owner of Triton Technologies, I go through constant training when it comes to MSP services, products and support methodologies.


I was at a conference in Hartford Connecticut and listening to other business owners and I heard something that isn’t heard in our office:

“Cryptolocker is kicking our butts.”

We Take Security Seriously

I can barely remember the last time I had to deal with any type of crypto virus. It was early last year (1.5+ years) and it was a personal laptop someone brought into one of our clients to use when there was some downtime. The virus was actually running in the background and they had put it on standby and took it to work. When they opened it up, it continued but the network had all the necessary defenses to prevent it from being more than a blind annoyance.

Our network firewall, the antivirus on all machines, the SSL and third party confirmed certificate communication was all working to prevent it from getting in and it worked perfectly.


The Best IT Solutions are Proactive

The call when it came was a shock but after reviewing the logs, the firewall defenses and the internetwork logs, it was mitigated and shutdown before it did anything actually.


We implement the firewalls, the solutions, the antivirus, the backup, the monitoring and the third party patching because… IT WORKS. It just works, and it keeps the hackers, viruses and more at bay.


Some clients we work with thing we’re over-the-top when it comes to planning and security, but not one has been sad when they realized by taking our advice, they got the tech they needed for dealing with CryptoLocker and avoided having their own data being held hostage against them. If you’re looking for just that kind of solution, contact us.

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