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If you have been in the workplace for a few decades, you may remember that the idea of telecommuting began to appear in the late 90s as Internet access from home began to become more common. Telecommuting was often poorly received, as it carried the onus of being a “trick” to avoid working a full 8 hours. Then, with the arrival of residential broadband access in the 2000s, successfully conducting a large majority of your work tasks in real-time, from home, began to become very realistic for a large swath of office workers. Managers finally had to face their own biases against Work From Home policies.
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You are probably caught up in overseeing a Work-From-Home policy that you may have never intended to initiate. It can be concerning, and there are many policy issues that an employer has to consider when they begin to implement WFH.  That said, it is worth stepping back and looking at the upsides of working from home both for employees and organizations.  In this blog, we’ll do a quick rundown of the commonly accepted benefits of WFH and why organizations adopt it.
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