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Work From Home, also commonly known as telecommuting, is a fairly general term that encompasses a range of workplace policies. Most generally, it refers to a policy permitting an employee to work from home (or any other approved remote location-the range of acceptable locations will differ depending on the organization’s policies). Beyond that WFH may or not be restrictive regarding working...

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Today’s blog is a look at three different issues that don’t get much coverage in discussions of the implementation of a WFH policy. Much of the conversation tends to focus on productivity and oversight issues. Here are three you should consider. WiFi Once your employees move off-site and WFH, or anywhere else for that matter, very serious data security issues arise. Whether...

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If you’ve been in the workforce for a while, you remember what life in the office was like a few decades ago. The uniformity of the structure was pretty much the same, no matter what office you worked in. It was 9-5, or some such standardized schedule for everyone. You had your own desk/office/cubicle. They gave you a PC for...

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If you have been in the workplace for a few decades, you may remember that the idea of telecommuting began to appear in the late 90s as Internet access from home began to become more common. Telecommuting was often poorly received, as it carried the onus of being a “trick” to avoid working a full 8 hours. Then, with the arrival of residential broadband access in the 2000s, successfully conducting a large majority of your work tasks in real-time, from home, began to become very realistic for a large swath of office workers. Managers finally had to face their own biases against Work From Home policies.
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You are probably caught up in overseeing a Work-From-Home policy that you may have never intended to initiate. It can be concerning, and there are many policy issues that an employer has to consider when they begin to implement WFH.  That said, it is worth stepping back and looking at the upsides of working from home both for employees and organizations.  In this blog, we’ll do a quick rundown of the commonly accepted benefits of WFH and why organizations adopt it.
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cyber security incident reporting
The Coronavirus crisis has changed the world as we know it. With social distancing, lockdowns, and work from home becoming the new normal, cybercriminals are exploiting the situation to their gains. This blog discusses how the cybercrime landscape is likely to shape up in the current and post-pandemic world, and how businesses can safeguard themselves against it with better cybersecurity when staff works from home.
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What is VoIP? Voice over Internet Protocol takes us away from the traditional office PBX, the on-location physical equipment that provides voice telephony using physical wires or fiber to transmit analog signals. PBX technology allows for some audio conferencing (though it can be a bit clumsy to set up) as well as voicemail, call forwarding, and some other call sorting features. However, a PBX has some severe limitations on available collaboration features and requires a trained technician to configure any changes. Even moving someone to a new office requires expensive and technical labor to move the extension to a different physical location.
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In the last several years, the concept of Work From Home policies (WFH) has become increasingly more popular. Though some still remain skeptical, it has been gaining in popularity and become more widely accepted among management circles. That said, the pandemic event in 2020 essentially set the debate entirely aside – at least for the time being – because WFH became the only choice between working and shutting down for many businesses.
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