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Google’s OAuth API Dispute: A Cybersecurity Dilemma Unfolds

The Debate Over Account Security: Researchers vs. Tech Giant


The Core of the Dispute: OAuth Token Manipulation Cybersecurity experts have identified a worrying trend in account hijacking, focusing on the misuse of Google’s OAuth tokens and session cookies. This sophisticated technique enables attackers to maintain access to user accounts, even after passwords have been changed. The method involves exploiting an undocumented Google OAuth API endpoint called MultiLogin, designed for synchronizing Google accounts across different services.

Google’s Stance vs. Researchers’ Findings Google has disputed some of the assertions made by the researchers. The tech giant claims that the API does not function as described by the researchers and emphasizes that their system does not allow revoked or signed-out sessions to be revived. However, researchers argue that Google’s claim that OAuth token theft is uncommon has become outdated, with malware evolution now including this technique.

The Lumma Malware Example One example cited is the Lumma malware, which utilizes nuanced manipulation of the token-GAIA ID pair during authentication to regenerate expired session cookies. This tactic enables a threat actor to generate valid cookies and maintain session persistence, providing a unique advantage in bypassing typical security measures.

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The Role of User Awareness in Cybersecurity Despite Google’s security measures, researchers emphasize that threat actors will always find ways to bypass these measures. The real defense lies in user awareness, especially since victims often remain unaware of their infection until threat actors make noticeable moves, such as multiple login attempts.


Exploring the Legitimacy of the Feature Being Exploited The debate extends to whether the threat actors are exploiting a vulnerability or if a legitimate feature is being abused. After thorough discussions, experts concluded that it is indeed a legitimate feature that is being exploited.

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Google’s Reluctance to Address the Underlying Issue Malwarebytes senior intelligence reporter Pieter Arntz notes that Google has been made aware of the issue but seems unwilling to fix it, possibly due to the resources required. The issue remains contentious as Google focuses on ongoing efforts to get rid of third-party cookies.


The dispute between Google and cybersecurity researchers over account hijacking attacks sheds light on the complex nature of cyber threats and the need for continued vigilance and awareness. As the digital landscape evolves, so too must our understanding and approach to cybersecurity.

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