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Familiar UX Blog

While Windows XP is hands down everyone’s favorite even decades after its launch, we have seen Microsoft constantly upgrading its OS. While some versions have been disastrous (remember, Vista and Windows 8?!), some have been steady and solid–example, as Windows 10. This blog highlights a focus on the broad view of the latest OS release by Microsoft, Windows 11. Released in October 2021, Windows 11 is Microsoft’s latest version of the Windows operating system. Learn what’s new in this version of Windows, its key features and highlights, and whether making the jump to Windows 11 is worth it.

Familiar UX

One of the most important things to note is that though Windows 11 is power-packed, in terms of user experience, it still has a familiar feel. So, if you are already familiar with Windows as an OS, Windows 11 won’t feel entirely new. You may need a few minutes to get accustomed to the newer features and theme, but overall, Windows 11 is not that different from the previous versions of Windows in terms of UX, so a former Windows user can figure it out fairly easily and navigate effortlessly. Windows 11 is built on the same foundation as Windows 10, so upgrading is easy and you’ll be familiar with a lot of the new system.

Sleek and classy

The new Windows is sleek and classy. With this version of Windows, Microsoft has picked up on the less-is-more trend. Windows 11 is all about minimalism. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Windows 11 is somewhat at par with Apple’s iOS in terms of the taskbar, modal windows and icon design.


Windows 11 offers a highly personalized user experience by allowing for a great degree of customization across various areas. Custom widgets, virtual desktop customization and snap layouts are all examples of this. In particular, the virtual desktop customization is especially for those who are working remotely. This makes it much easier to distinguish work and home activities. The snap layout also makes it easier to find what you need quickly.

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