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How Acceptable Use Policies Protect Your Business Policy, procedure and process. I was asked recently why do I need a computer policy? The short answer? It’s the law.   Massachusetts 201 CMR 17.00 Compliance In Massachusetts, the law 201.cmr.17 clearly states that a business must have a clear and defined polices when it comes to internet and data access for their employees. To quote the...

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Ransomware is the new underground economy. In the last few years, a new breed of exploit has arrived on the scene, called Ransomware. Basically, what it does is encrypts all your files, demands bitcoins or some other crypto currency and waits. It usually has a timer giving you a couple of days to setup an account, transfer the funds and when...

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Did you doubt they could? Did you think the iPhone could really stand up to this? If you did, you need to know more about security. Good security means fast detection and real-time response. The front door can always be broken into.Should Apple Have Folded?Security is a funny thing. If Apple had given in, case law would have been established....

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