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Amazon saves the day again and again. We may sound like a broken record, but the solution is solid. What are we talking about? Amazon Web services. Truthfully, if you're in business, you need your head in the cloud now! Client Story: Food Logistics Company A quick example is this, we have a food logistics company that delivers their products throughout the Northeast...

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We get a call on Monday morning, like you do, but this one was more panic. The owner went on a week long vacation and came back to a resignation letter sitting on his desk from what was then his previous IT person. In-house person, quit Wednesday the previous week.  The boss was in a panic. So he googled the...

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A Client in Need of a SolutionTriton Technologies does a lot of different kinds of business. Some logistics, medical, hospitality, government, military and more. So we are quite diverse on the types of clients that we work with. We were asked about 3 months ago to install software for an oil distribution company on a new server, tablets and so...

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