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roomMaster is stopping all support for Windows 7

Windows 7 officially sunsets on January 14, 2020. We have known this for quite some time and have written about it previously. We have instilled in as many clients as possible the urgency to upgrade. We know some of you do not want to upgrade because of the cost, inconvenience, or the desire to keep things as they were.

We understand that the hospitality industry is very cutthroat, very razor margins, and when one of your competitors has better service than what you can provide, your clients will go across the street.

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Over the years we have recommended to our clients that they do not use the DNS services provided by their ISP. There are multiple reasons for that. Maintaining Network Order and Security with Forwarders Since most of our clients have a server or virtual server through Amazon through best practices, we channel all DNS traffic to that server and then out again...

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