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Why terms and conditions matter. It has been proven time and time again that people and companies do not read the terms and conditions when accepting the installation or the acceptance of services from vendors. There are many notable cases including some software companies and vetting the fact that they now own your children just as a joke. But in the...

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Good vendors are hard to come by. In 16 years of business, we have dealt with literally hundreds of different vendors. From computer manufacturers, network hardware manufacturers, software, physical developers of infrastructure and more, we can say with certainty that good vendors are very hard to come by. Why We Do Vendor Management At Triton Technologies, we do vendor management for our clients,...

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How the lack of a vendor follow-through hurts business. For unknown reasons we are encountering a lot of clients reaching out to us due to a failure of vendor follow-through. Basically, they set up a solution such as a cellular router, printer, security system, or of some variant of the above and it would not get finished or completed. Let's talk...

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In the last decade, we have seen something that is somewhat upsetting. Vendor network evaluations are not worth anything. Yup, we said it. From ISPs, printer providers, virtual server providers, email providers and others; all have failed to live up to their engineering personnel's recommendations. It's only after the disaster begins do we see what narrow scope they have been placed in with a...

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Any business owner can attest to is dealing with multiple vendors is a business in of itself. From cellular carriers, internet providers, construction companies, telephone and more, each one has their own language and each one has their own methodology. This situation happened, and this is why right after our client signed up for our Managed IT Services plan which included...

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