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IT Projects: Vendors Not Following Through

How the lack of a vendor follow-through hurts business.

For unknown reasons we are encountering a lot of clients reaching out to us due to a failure of vendor follow-through. Basically, they set up a solution such as a cellular router, printer, security system, or of some variant of the above and it would not get finished or completed. Let’s talk about how vendors not following through is an example of how IT project implementation can be.

The Vendor Who Couldn’t

We had the pleasure of dealing with a new client last week who was a logistics company and immediately after examining the network we found many flaws. Many of them can be attributed to the failure of a completion of ongoing IT projects from their current vendors. As the business owner who has multiple employees and whose responsibility is to follow through with projects and outstanding service agreements, nothing irks me more than a person not finishing the job they are paid to do.

Finishing Up the Halfway Projects

So this client sought us out, we examined their network and created the solutions plan to bring them up to speed. Within a few days, we had finished the outstanding projects, got them redundant Internet as they had been promised, and was able to put in a long-range tracking system for their vehicles, which also was halfway finished and not completed when we took them over. Within a few days, it was done.

The Most Complex Part of New Technology is Implementing It

Managed IT is not entirely about just service when it comes to your technology. Many times it is about finishing projects that were stagnant, not completed, or incorrectly implemented. Like I tell our clients, the technology is there to do what you want, implementing it is the most complex portion of any project, and that is where we find a lot of our competitors are failing. They make the initial quick sale and then drop off the face of the earth.

Project management, control, vendor management, and organizing them all together within a single unifying project is no simple task, but when it is done right, it is something to be remembered. If you’re looking for that service and not currently getting it, contact Triton Technologies. We’ll help you manage your current or next IT project.

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