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We’ll Say It Again: Background Checks For IT

One of the most intense discussions we get into with clients is their background check for IT staff.

With events such as a managed IT company holding hostage a client’s data, a rogue IT person hacking into one of their client’s networks to steal customer data, and many cases over the decades of IT people being allowed to access sensitive information, you need to ask your IT person and/or company for background checks.

You Must Be Able to Trust Your IT Support

As the owner of a managed IT company, we work with many diverse clientele. From banks, government, schools, hospitals and more. We cannot just allow any IT person to join our ranks without having an extreme background check. We cannot hire a person in good faith when they literally have the keys to the kingdom’s when they were convicted of a crime in an industry they are now servicing.

Below is an exerpt from our previous blog on the subject, The Importance of a Clean Background in IT.

A Real Life Example

Why are we discussing this? As we grow, we submit proposals for clients. In some proposals we win and some proposals we lose, that’s the nature of the game. We had submitted a bid to a client and lost. It happens. About two weeks later we received an email from the company asking us to come in. We did.

What was explained to us was the company we lost against had failed its background checks for its technicians. Due to the nature of the client, the risk was too great and the contract could not continue. So we picked up where they had started and the businesses continues to be a client to this day. Due to the sensitive nature of the information all of our technicians and personnel had to be background check, which ours did with flying colors.

The next time you are looking to change companies, services, pricing and the backgrounds of your IT people should be considered when making your decision. Read more about this in our first piece on background checks, The Importance of a Clean Background in IT, and how Triton Technologies can provide only the best support. Contact us today.

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