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Don’t Do KRACK: Dealing With WiFi Security Attacks

Not Even Once.

In the last couple months a wireless vulnerability known as KRACK (Key Reinstallation Attack) was discovered. Basically, this exploit takes advantage of how the devices hand off each other’s encryption keys. Most major brands of wireless providers such as like one we use called Ubiquiti were patched within hours if not days. But most of the small businesses that purchase generic routers are unaware and are still being affected. 

Understanding Managed Wireless

That is where managed wireless comes into play. With managed wireless your access points, switches, firewalls, routers are all up to date as firmware is pushed out. This makes hacking these type of wireless networks with known exploits very tough. The kind of clients that need this kind of service are hospitals, hospitality, real estate, banking, financial and more. You do not want some guy sitting out on the street with a laptop running a script getting inside your network and manage wireless prevents just that.

Stopping Network Penetration

What we have seen over the last decade are people that take advantage of wireless exploits to penetrate networks. We have blogged about this in the past as a test to get into a clients network, but if our intentions were nefarious we could easily penetrated the network and seized control. With the updates happening regularly, patching done regularly, and watching how the network performs, managed wireless networks can help your business stay secure, give your clients that use Guest services a positive experience and keep you up on the latest trends when it comes to options for wireless technologies.

Worried about KRACK and other WiFi exploits? We recommend for all businesses to get a managed wireless access point. Contact Triton Technologies today to learn more about our wireless access point installations, backed with Managed IT Services.

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