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Sophos, AT&T and Peplink: Just in Time for the Holidays

As many know, Triton Technologies is a Sophos partner, and we are very happy to be one. From the firewalls, endpoint encryption, and more, we found the Sophos firewall to be the best solution for currently all of our clients’ problems.
However, a firewall can only do so much, and that is where AT&T and Peplink come in. With the changing of the season as always, interruptions of the internet infrastructure do and can occur. This can be disastrous for businesses that need to be up and operational 24 hours a day and/or rely on cloud-based services. While a cloud-based infrastructure gives you great opportunities and flexibility, it’s heavily reliant on reliable internet. So, what happens when that internet connection goes down?

Getting an AT&T Cellular Backup for Your Business

That’s where AT&T comes in. So close firewalls have been incredibly important in our infrastructure deployment because they accept pep link basic Internet routers without issue, and with AT&T with their enterprise services, we can have our clients up and operational all the time on the Internet. The reason why we chose AT&T is that they allow static IP inbound communications, which most other cellular providers do not. Why is this important? When you have a VPN, and you need to get into your network, you need to see it from the outside. You cannot see it if there are no inbound traffic allowed. That is why we chose AT&T.

Why Choose a Cellular Backup Over Another Internet Connection?

A lot of the Internet connections flow through the same physical infrastructure, such as make-ready wired infrastructure. What this means that on the telephone pole is your co-ax, fiber, telephone, DSL, etc. Sounds great in theory, but not in practice because all it would take is a single-car accident, and all of your best-laid plans will fall apart. All those eggs are in one basket. By having two different services two different means of communication, it ensures that your internet is not only protected from a single point of failure but multiple points of failure. This allows you to utilize the cellular networks as well as your traditional internet without having to worry about car accidents and maintenance for polls and other such infrastructure devices. Cellular towers are not as maintained as electrical poles. These facilities are more secure. Learn more about cellular ISP, including setting them up as your primary ISP in our blog post, Cutting the Cord in the Office: A Cellular ISP Solution.

Where Peplink Mobile Broadband Routers Comes In

Once you’ve decided on getting an AT&T cellular connection as backup, how do you get it to your firewall and network? Here at Triton, we used the Peplink family of mobile broadband routers that focus on the high bandwidth you need to continue operations, including modular platform architecture and even hybrid fusion to increase bandwidth between multiple ISPs. Learn more on our Managed Hardware page. With snow and ice approaching, we highly recommend that our business clients get an additional cellular backup device and attach it to their Sophos firewalls. Contact us today to get started.

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