Most Common Causes of Data Breaches: Understanding and Preventing Security Vulnerabilities

Data breaches have become a persistent and costly threat to businesses of all sizes. The consequences of a data breach can be devastating, ranging from financial losses and legal penalties to reputational damage. As organizations scramble to fortify their data security, it’s crucial to understand the most common causes of data breaches, so that companies can effectively mitigate risks.


This article will dive into the most common causes of data breaches, highlight specific vulnerabilities, and offer preventive measures. We will also cite the case of Marriott’s massive data breach as a real-world example of how these causes can lead to serious consequences.


What Is the Cause of the Majority of Data Breaches?


There isn’t one single cause of data breaches, but several recurring factors often contribute to them. Businesses frequently face internal and external threats, from employee errors to sophisticated cyberattacks. The main cause of data breaches generally boils down to poor security practices, misconfigurations, and human errors. Below, we explore the 4 common causes of data breaches that are responsible for the majority of incidents.


1. Human Error and Negligence


One of the most common causes of data breaches is human error. Employees who lack awareness about proper security practices or mishandle sensitive information can easily compromise an organization’s defenses. Some common types of human errors include:


Weak Passwords


Using easily guessable or repetitive passwords is a huge vulnerability. Even large companies sometimes fail to enforce strong password policies, which can open doors for cybercriminals to access sensitive data.


Phishing Attacks


Cybercriminals frequently use phishing emails to trick employees into revealing login credentials or downloading malicious software. A single click on a fraudulent email can lead to a widespread data breach.


Misplacing Devices


 Laptops, smartphones, or USB drives that contain sensitive data are often lost or stolen, leading to unintended exposure of confidential information.


A notable example of negligence leading to data breaches occurred in the case of Marriott International. Between 2014 and 2020, the personal data of more than 300 million customers was exposed due to inadequate security measures, such as poor password controls and lack of network monitoring. The breach was exacerbated by human errors, as employees failed to properly safeguard sensitive information.

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2. Weak or Inadequate Security Controls


Weak security controls often lead to data breaches. Organizations that neglect to update their security infrastructure or fail to implement robust cybersecurity protocols are particularly vulnerable to attacks. Common vulnerabilities include:


Unpatched Software

Failing to regularly update software can leave known vulnerabilities open for exploitation. Hackers actively search for systems running outdated software because they are easier to infiltrate.


Lack of Encryption


Data that isn’t properly encrypted can be intercepted by cybercriminals during transmission or storage. Encryption is essential for protecting sensitive data, whether it’s payment information, personal details, or intellectual property.


Poor Access Management


Without proper user access controls, unauthorized individuals can gain access to critical systems or data. Every organization should adopt a principle of least privilege, where employees only have access to the information necessary for their roles.


The Marriott breach is a prime example of inadequate security controls. According to investigations, the hotel chain failed to implement basic security practices such as network monitoring and strong password controls, which contributed to unauthorized access by malicious actors.


3. Malware and Cyber Attacks


Sophisticated malware and cyberattacks are major culprits behind many high-profile data breaches. Cybercriminals use various forms of malicious software to infiltrate networks and extract sensitive data. Some common types of attacks include:




In ransomware attacks, cybercriminals encrypt an organization’s data and demand a ransom in exchange for unlocking it. These attacks can cripple operations and lead to data exposure if not handled properly.


SQL Injection


In an SQL injection attack, hackers exploit vulnerabilities in an organization’s database by inserting malicious code into SQL queries. This allows them to gain unauthorized access to the data stored within the database.


Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)


APTs are long-term cyberattacks in which hackers infiltrate a system and remain undetected for extended periods. They gradually gather sensitive data, making it difficult to detect and prevent the breach before significant damage is done.

Cyberattacks on businesses like Marriott often target vulnerable systems that have not been properly secured. The attackers in Marriott’s case took advantage of weak defenses, leading to a widespread breach that exposed everything from passport information to payment card numbers.


4. Third-Party Vendor Vulnerabilities


Organizations frequently rely on third-party vendors for various services, but these partnerships can introduce additional risks if the vendors don’t have adequate security measures in place. A data breach that occurs through a third-party provider can still have devastating consequences for the primary organization. Some common issues include:


Lack of Vendor Oversight


When businesses fail to assess and monitor the security practices of their vendors, they may unknowingly expose themselves to risk.


Supply Chain Attacks


Hackers can target a company’s third-party vendors or service providers to gain access to sensitive data. These attacks are often difficult to detect because they exploit the trust between organizations and their partners.


Data Sharing Practices


If sensitive data is shared with third-party vendors without proper encryption or security protocols, it can be intercepted and exposed in the event of a breach.


The Marriott breach was partly caused by vulnerabilities within its subsidiary, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide. After acquiring Starwood, Marriott inherited its existing security weaknesses, which contributed to the breach that exposed millions of customer records.

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Preventive Measures for Reducing Data Breaches


While the causes of security breaches are numerous, businesses can take proactive steps to minimize their risk. Below are some essential best practices for preventing data breaches:


Employee Training and Awareness


Educating employees about security risks and proper data handling practices is critical. Regular training sessions on phishing, password management, and data protection can significantly reduce the risk of human errors leading to breaches.


Robust Security Infrastructure


Organizations should implement and maintain up-to-date security controls, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption protocols. Regular audits and vulnerability assessments can help identify and patch potential weaknesses.


Strong Password Policies


Enforcing strong password policies, including multi-factor authentication (MFA), can prevent unauthorized access. Passwords should be complex and frequently updated, and employees should be encouraged to use password managers.


Vendor Risk Management


Companies should thoroughly vet and monitor the security practices of their third-party vendors. Contracts with vendors should include strict data security requirements and periodic audits to ensure compliance.


Incident Response Plan


Having a well-defined incident response plan in place is crucial for mitigating the impact of a data breach. This plan should include steps for containing the breach, notifying affected parties, and restoring affected systems.


Understanding the most common cause of data breaches and taking steps to prevent them is essential for safeguarding sensitive information. From human error to cyberattacks and third-party vulnerabilities, businesses must remain vigilant to reduce their exposure to security threats. The Marriott breach serves as a stark reminder of how devastating poor security practices can be, affecting millions of customers and leading to substantial financial penalties.


By implementing robust security measures and continuously improving cybersecurity protocols, organizations can better protect themselves from the evolving landscape of data breaches. 

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How Triton Technologies Can Help


At Triton Technologies, we understand that protecting your organization from data breaches is a top priority. As a leading provider of IT and cybersecurity solutions, we offer comprehensive services to help businesses secure their data and prevent costly breaches. Here’s how we can assist:


Managed Cybersecurity Services


Triton Technologies provides topnotch cybersecurity services which cover ongoing monitoring and management of your IT infrastructure, ensuring that your systems are always up-to-date with the latest security patches, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. Our proactive approach helps identify and mitigate threats before they can cause harm.


Employee Training Programs


We offer tailored security awareness training for your employees, helping them recognize and avoid phishing scams, use strong passwords, and adopt best practices in data protection. With proper training, your team can become your first line of defense against security breaches.


Incident Response and Recovery


In the unfortunate event of a data breach, our incident response team is ready to act. Triton Technologies will help you contain the breach, minimize damage, and recover lost data. Our experts will also guide you through post-incident processes, including regulatory compliance and breach notification requirements.


Third-Party Vendor Management


We assist businesses in evaluating and managing the security of third-party vendors, ensuring that all partners adhere to strict cybersecurity standards. Our services help reduce the risk of supply chain attacks and vulnerabilities introduced by external providers.


Customized Security Solutions


Every organization has unique needs when it comes to data protection. Triton Technologies offers solutions, including encryption, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and access control, to safeguard your sensitive data. We work closely with your business to develop a robust security framework that meets industry regulations and minimizes risk.


With our expertise and cutting-edge security solutions, Triton Technologies can help your business stay one step ahead of cybercriminals, ensuring that your data remains protected from both internal and external threats. Contact us today to learn how we can strengthen your organization’s defenses and keep your valuable information safe.

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