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If your restaurant wants to survive, it needs wifi.When it comes to selling more restaurants need to attract more clients or high-priced clients. How does a business do that? Business clients, high spenders, people that will spend hour after hour sitting and ordering, not just one thing, but many things. How does a hospitality facility do that? Good wireless.  Wifi...

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Why We Fight CryptoLocker: Our Strategy Explained As the owner of Triton Technologies, I go through constant training when it comes to MSP services, products and support methodologies. I was at a conference in Hartford Connecticut and listening to other business owners and I heard something that isn’t heard in our office: “Cryptolocker is kicking our butts.”We Take Security SeriouslyI can barely...

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The Value of Name Brands in IT Hardware Or "Why We Don’t Build Our Own IT Hardware".I know I am treading in dangerous waters here when I say that we don’t support self-built machines. What does that mean? At Triton Technologies we prefer and only sell major name brands: Dell, Lenovo, HP, Apple etc. Why? Compatibility and ease of serviceability. A...

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Triton Technologies years ago was created to help the business user and the business owner: over the years we have acquired products, companies and so forth in order to grow. One of them is the skill and ability for dealing with VoIP issues.Years ago, we acquired a failing telephone provider out of New York state and transferred all the licensing...

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Key Benefits of Partnering with a VoIP ProviderWhen an emergency happens, it’s great to have an MSP (Managed Service Provider) with a VoIP Service. Story Time: 2016 Texas FloodsAbout two months ago, we have a client out of Texas who does financial services for the local populous. Retirement packages, stock trades, trusts for entities etc, etc. Well, if you have been...

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The Benefits of Choosing Ubiquiti for Wireless Access Wifi isn’t complicated. What is complicated is people. For a long time, most small business would go out to their local office supply store, purchase a router, create wifi and give it no password so their patrons could access it without an issue. Those days are long gone. Businesses need to scale and...

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Shared hosting needs to go. What? Yes, we said it and we mean it. What is shared hosting to begin with? Understanding Shared Hosting (And Its Drawbacks) Shared hosting is a service in which on a single server usually at a hosting service that your company and many other companies share. So the resources, memory, CPU and more are literally shared at the...

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Any business owner can attest to is dealing with multiple vendors is a business in of itself. From cellular carriers, internet providers, construction companies, telephone and more, each one has their own language and each one has their own methodology. This situation happened, and this is why right after our client signed up for our Managed IT Services plan which included...

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