IT Security: Addressing Human, Network, and Mobile Layers

In our previous blog post, we explored the various layers of security essential for safeguarding your data and maintaining business integrity. Today, we delve deeper into the human aspect of security and network defenses, and introduce how Triton Technologies can assist in fortifying your security infrastructure.


The Human Layer: Minimizing Errors and Enhancing Awareness


Human error accounts for 95% of security incidents, making it a critical focus area. According to Ashley Schwartau of The Security Awareness Company, two major mistakes companies often make are “assuming their employees know internal security policies” and “assuming their employees care enough to follow policy.”


Common Exploitation Techniques


Password Compromises


Hackers often guess or use brute-force methods to crack passwords.


Phishing Attacks


Employees can be tricked into opening compromised emails or visiting malicious websites.


Social Engineering


Hackers manipulate employees to divulge sensitive information.


Strategies to Mitigate Human Error


Mandatory Password Changes

Enforce password changes every 30 to 60 days or immediately after an employee leaves.


Regular Training

Conduct security best practices training every six months to keep employees updated and vigilant.


Incentivize Security

Offer rewards for demonstrating security-conscious behavior.


Information Segregation

Distribute sensitive information strictly on a need-to-know basis.


Dual Authorization

Require two or more individuals to approve any transfer of funds.

Monitor Behavior: Stay alert for any suspicious activities within the organization.

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The Network Layer: Fortifying Against Online Threats

Network defenses are crucial as online software attacks are the most common attack vectors, impacting 61% of businesses last year. Various forms of malware, including spyware, ransomware, and financial trojans, pose significant threats.


Common Transmission Methods


Spam Emails and Compromised Sites


These are primary vectors for malware.


Drive-by Downloads


Malicious software automatically downloads when a user visits an infected site.


Network Security Measures:


Secure Networks


Avoid using business devices on unsecured networks and restrict foreign devices from accessing your Wi-Fi.




Implement robust firewalls to protect your network from unauthorized access.


Wi-Fi Encryption


Ensure your Wi-Fi network is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.


Antivirus Software


Use and regularly update antivirus software to detect and mitigate common viruses.


Behavior Detection Programs


Employ software that detects suspicious software behavior to identify potential threats.


The Mobile Layer: Securing Mobile Devices


Security awareness for mobile devices often lags behind that of other platforms, making them vulnerable. At any given time, approximately 11.6 million mobile devices are infected with malware.


Common Threat Vectors


Traditional Malware 


Similar to those affecting PCs.


Malicious Apps


Apps that seem legitimate but harbor malicious intent.


Network Threats


Attacks that exploit insecure networks.


Mobile Security Practices


Strong Passwords


Use secure passwords to protect devices.




Encrypt sensitive data on mobile devices.


Reputable Security Apps


Install and regularly update reputable security applications.

  • Remote Wipe: Enable remote wipe options to erase data if a device is lost or stolen.
  • Coordinated Security Efforts: A Unified Defense Strategy

Just as military defenses require a central command to coordinate efforts, an effective IT defense-in-depth strategy necessitates a dedicated person or team to monitor and respond to threats across all layers of security. This central figure ensures that each layer is continuously observed and that any suspicious activity is promptly addressed.

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How Triton Technologies Can Help

At Triton Technologies, we specialize in providing comprehensive security solutions tailored to your business needs. Our expertise spans all layers of security, ensuring that your organization is well-protected against evolving threats.

Our Services Include

Security Training Programs

Regular and customized training sessions to keep your employees informed about the latest security practices.

Advanced Network Security

Implementation of robust firewalls, encrypted Wi-Fi networks, and behavior detection programs to safeguard your network.

Mobile Device Management

  • Solutions to secure mobile devices through encryption, reputable security apps, and remote wipe capabilities.
  • 24/7 Monitoring and Support: Continuous monitoring of all security layers with prompt responses to any suspicious activities.

By partnering with Triton Technologies, you can ensure a holistic approach to your cybersecurity strategy, reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing overall security posture.

Addressing security requires a multi-layered approach, focusing on the human, network, and mobile aspects of your organization. By implementing comprehensive security measures and leveraging the expertise of Triton Technologies, you can protect your data and maintain the integrity of your business operations. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and prioritize security at every level.

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