It probably is. When IT Support Over-Promises What I am talking about is over promise and under deliver. Over the years we have dealt with many clients and potential clients when it comes to IT support. In the bidding/quoting process we have competition just like any other business. What we have come across are those who promise the world and deliver Pluto....

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It's been a bad few weeks for businesses dealing with natural disasters. Hurricane after hurricane rolled through many of our vendor's facilities. Many of them were shut down, and tech-support was suspended while they got power and their services back up and running. Why is this important to this blog, even though we are based in the North East, and it...

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One of the most intense discussions we get into with clients is their background check for IT staff. With events such as a managed IT company holding hostage a client's data, a rogue IT person hacking into one of their client's networks to steal customer data, and many cases over the decades of IT people being allowed to access sensitive information,...

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How the lack of a vendor follow-through hurts business. For unknown reasons we are encountering a lot of clients reaching out to us due to a failure of vendor follow-through. Basically, they set up a solution such as a cellular router, printer, security system, or of some variant of the above and it would not get finished or completed. Let's talk...

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Amazon saves the day again and again. We may sound like a broken record, but the solution is solid. What are we talking about? Amazon Web services. Truthfully, if you're in business, you need your head in the cloud now! Client Story: Food Logistics Company A quick example is this, we have a food logistics company that delivers their products throughout the Northeast...

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Triton technologies has expanded our cellular offerings exponentially. A prime example is a law office in a single building in a small town in Massachusetts. Their current coaxial provider had very very poor Internet results. Truthfully they had more outage than they had internet. Multiple node issues, a modem replaced every few weeks, and their phone service. With that provider was...

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It’s been 6 weeks since the last global affecting ransomware attack has occurred. The last attack brought to you by WannaCry affected millions of computers and servers throughout the globe. That attack affected an ancient exploit going all the way back to Windows XP and was stolen from the national security agency. Hackers use that exploit and penetrated systems worldwide generating...

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