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What better way to beat your competition than to know what they are working on and then steal it? What am I talking about? Corporate espionage. Corporate Espionage and Data Breaches Corporate espionage takes many forms, but what we are seeing recently is a tremendous amount of businesses sending in – for lack of better words – spies to their competition and...

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Since we became a Cloudflare partner, we’ve been asked multiple times: What is a DDoS? The Rundown on DDoS Attacks A DDoS is a distributed denial of service attack. Years ago when a business needed to get online, they purchased web hosting services through many web hosting companies. It was usually on a single server for the client, shared between multiple other clients...

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A lot of businesses – good or bad – sometimes just shoot from the hip. They make up ideas, policies, and methodologies to suit the immediate need. Sounds good in theory but has very bad scalability. Why IT Policy and Procedure is So Important A Triton technologies we have ex-military for the majority of our administrative staff. The reason why is that we have a...

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From time to time, we get clients who wish to purchase their own hardware but have us implement the solution. Most of the time we have no issue with this, but when we encounter a computer that was specifically purchased to save money, knowing that it will alienate the client with their lack of performance, we must advise them that...

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Why terms and conditions matter. It has been proven time and time again that people and companies do not read the terms and conditions when accepting the installation or the acceptance of services from vendors. There are many notable cases including some software companies and vetting the fact that they now own your children just as a joke. But in the...

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Good vendors are hard to come by. In 16 years of business, we have dealt with literally hundreds of different vendors. From computer manufacturers, network hardware manufacturers, software, physical developers of infrastructure and more, we can say with certainty that good vendors are very hard to come by. Why We Do Vendor Management At Triton Technologies, we do vendor management for our clients,...

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