How Acceptable Use Policies Protect Your Business Policy, procedure and process. I was asked recently why do I need a computer policy? The short answer? It’s the law.   Massachusetts 201 CMR 17.00 Compliance In Massachusetts, the law 201.cmr.17 clearly states that a business must have a clear and defined polices when it comes to internet and data access for their employees. To quote the...

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Shared hosting needs to go. What? Yes, we said it and we mean it. What is shared hosting to begin with? Understanding Shared Hosting (And Its Drawbacks) Shared hosting is a service in which on a single server usually at a hosting service that your company and many other companies share. So the resources, memory, CPU and more are literally shared at the...

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Why is Triton Technologies changing firewall vendors? Triton Technologies has been with SonicWALL since 2006 and have implemented thousands of installs throughout the world. The United States, France, Germany, India, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, and more we have sent and more deployed many hundreds of firewalls throughout those countries. But due to unresolved issues, we're changing firewall vendors. But Why the Change? In September...

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The importance of having an IT staff with impeccable backgrounds. In our line of work we have many keys to many kingdoms. That also means that we need to be more secure than all of our clients. That includes not only complex passwords, multi-authentication techniques, tokens and everything is secure. Because of the risk of having breaches within the network not...

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HIPAA Keyboard

HIPAA Mastery for Small Healthcare Firms In the last couple months due to governmental pressures for state and local charities and nonprofits, small medical businesses have been asked to fully comply with HIPAA compliance even if a single machine might one day encounter that information. We are currently working with many translation services, small doctor offices, dentists, and branch offices of hospitals...

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Any business owner can attest to is dealing with multiple vendors is a business in of itself. From cellular carriers, internet providers, construction companies, telephone and more, each one has their own language and each one has their own methodology. This situation happened, and this is why right after our client signed up for our Managed IT Services plan which included...

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Ransomware is the new underground economy. In the last few years, a new breed of exploit has arrived on the scene, called Ransomware. Basically, what it does is encrypts all your files, demands bitcoins or some other crypto currency and waits. It usually has a timer giving you a couple of days to setup an account, transfer the funds and when...

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Why should a business chose a managed IT provider over a traditional break-fix? Simple: MoneyWith a managed IT provider you get more than a body that fixes stuff when things break: they make sure they don't break. As anyone who's owned a car, you perform maintenance, change the oil, rotate the tires and more because it costs more when the vehicle...

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